‘NUVOLUTION’ European hair blended with heat-resistant man-made hair which can be heat tonged and still retain its curl after washing!
To create instant glamour and transform your style for the office, a night out or special occasion, Hair Development has created a range of clip-on and fashion products to add to hair. Nothing can change your image or has the power to change the way you feel quite like your hair! Using all our experience, we have made it possible for you to look just the way you want, when you want without mess or fuss!
Find out more about our range by clicking on the links below:
VolumeXtra : a new innovation that enhances hair extensions
Clip-On Weft : a clip-on hairpiece to add volume and length in an instant
Lace front : A new innovative piece that replaces a broken hairline with single individual hairs knotted onto an invisible lace.
Alternatively call us today on 020 7790 4567 or email hair@hair.dev.localfame.com